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Canal 24 Horas TV

Canal 24 Horas TV a local channel that spends 24 hours every day, information from Brusque, Guabiruba and region. We present differentiated content, we register events in general, everything that happens in our city.

Valuing the entities, people and service of companies. We have a work focused on the well-being of the family, with information that adds good to good. Allied to all this, we added to our schedule of programming, institutional, documentaries, music, movies, entertainment.

Our mission as a TV station is to record the history of Brusque, of the people of Brusque, respecting everyone.

Rua João Bauer, 464, Ed. Andrino Leopoldo, Salas 304 e 305 3° andar, Centro - Brusque - SC
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Dernière mise à jour: 10-22-2020