Island TV is a 24-hour network, broadcasting 24/7 in Florida, and the Caribbean, with more locations to come! Island TV’s programming is also available worldwide, through online streaming and mobile app. Comcast Channel 578 / Digital Channel 16.6
Island Television (ITV) is a multicultural company that produces and airs world-class television programs for the Haitian /Caribbean market.
! Island TV’s live programming is also available worldwide, through live streaming online. over the air, and through mobile application.
Although our target market is mainly Haitian people, we believe in Caribbean unity and welcome all appealing television programs originating from any island, since we aim to maintain a very diverse programming, including current news, movies, entertainment shows, music videos, and much more.
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Youtube, Facebook, Filmon, Livestream, Dailymotion, ustream. tv ... Nous n'hébergeons ni ne téléchargeons aucun fichier vidéo / multimédia, n'est pas responsable de la légalité du contenu des autres sites liés. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes juridiques, veuillez contacter les propriétaires / hébergeurs des fichiers multimédias appropriés.